Ethiopia houses some of the richest tasting Arabica Coffees in the world. Due in part to it's ability to grow in high perfect altitudes, it's popular coffee growing towns produce some of the highest naturally processed coffee beans. MelkamBusiness offers an assortment of flavors for exportation & distribution.
MelkamBusiness houses some of the highest grades of Arabica coffee founded in the hills of Ethiopia. Our rigorous selection process and proprietary quality control allows for no compromises in delivering premium coffee beans.
Ethiopia's most popular grown coffee type, Yirgacheffe, is grown in a central southern town 400km's from the capital. It's orangy-citrus flavor makes it a perfect for both hot and cold brews & is rated as some of the highest quality of Arabica coffees in the world.
Growth Facts:
Minimum altitude: 2000 m.
Maximum altitude: 2150 m.
Soil type: Fertile, reddish-brown with sufficient drainage & a depth of 1..5m
Flowering period: Beginning of January – end of February
Harvesting period: Mid September – end of December
Processing: Natural & washed
Flavor desc: Orangy-citrus taste
Guji, the furthest coffee production town, 500km's east, from the capital, is known for it's intensity & sweet aromas. The rich, predominantly berry flavored, coffee bean creates a flawless smooth taste in every drink. It offers a complex, but balanced taste no matter the brewing method.
Growth Facts:
Minimum altitude: 1900 m.
Maximum altitude: 2050 m.
Soil type: Fertile, reddish-brown with sufficient drainage & a depth of 1..5m
Flowering period: Beginning of January – end of February
Harvesting period: Mid September – end of December
Processing: Natural & washed
Flavor desc: Lemon, peach, and black taste
Sidama, grown in an even further southern town from the capital, are best known for it's chocolatey, citric acidity. It's brightness and lushness leave a perfect aftertaste with each sip. In fact, it's the source of most the country's grade one and grade two coffee beans.
Growth Facts:
Minimum altitude: 1850 m.
Maximum altitude: 2000 m.
Soil type: Fertile, reddish-brown with sufficient drainage & a depth of 1..5m
Flowering period: Beginning of January – end of February
Harvesting period: Mid September – end of December
Processing: Natural & washed
Flavor desc: Chocolatey, Jasmine elegant taste